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8 Simple Home Cooling Tips for Summer

With some simple home cooling tips, summer doesn’t have to be so hot at home. The weather in Australia can go the extremes, and so, finding ways to stay cool at home during summer, is always at the forefront of our minds. When we think cooling, we tend to think air conditioning and ceiling fans, which are almost a staple in most Australian homes. 

There are, however, a few things you can do at home.  While they may seem obvious, as we hit the hottest parts of the year, it is worth revisiting these simple home cooling tips.

Simple Home Cooling Tips for Summer

1.    Cover up

Up to 30% of heat comes into your house through the windows.  One of the easiest home cooling tips is something must of us on hand already. Covering up your windows can help you save on your electricity bills, and keep the temperature inside your home lower. 

Using external window coverings, such as awnings, roller shutters, or shade sails, can help in keeping direct sunlight from getting into your home during the hottest parts of the day.

Home Cooling Tips for Summer - Cover Windows

2.    Insulate the house

Adding wall and ceiling insulation can help stop the heat flow and significantly lower the temperature of your home. Without proper insulation, the heat will conduct through the ceiling and flow through the house, heating it up. Insulation will not only help keep your home cooler in summer, it will also help keep your home warmer during the cooler months of the year.

3.    Let the breeze in

Temperatures usually drop once the sun sets. Once the evening breeze starts blowing, open up your doors and windows to make the most of these cooler hours. This is the cheapest way to cool your sun-baked home. Opening up your home will also let the heat accumulated during the day escape.

Home Cooling Tips for Summer - Open Windows at Night

4.    Close those doors

Close the doors of the rooms you won’t be using during daytime. If you are using air conditioning, this will allow for the effective cooling of the rooms that you are actually using during the day.  It will also help keep cooling costs down through the warmer months where our air conditioners can really get a workout.

5.    Have proper ventilation in the house

Ventilation lets hot air out of your house. Have ventilation in your ceiling, as well as in rooms that make use of appliances that generate heat, such as your kitchen, laundry and bathroom.  This could be as simple as making sure a window is cracked to let generated heat escape.

6.    Take care of your appliances

One of the home cooling tips that is a must do for anyone with cooling appliances. Taking good care of your ceiling fans and air conditioning, and even your pedestal fans, will help to keep the cool air circulating through your home. 

Clean the filter of your air conditioner regularly, including the removing any debris build up from the housing of the motor outside.  Clean your ceiling fan blades regularly to prevent them working harder than they need to be, along with the outer casing and blades of your pedestal fan.  See our blog post on Cleaning your Ceiling Fan Quickly and Easily.  Not only does dust build up on these appliances restrict their movement and airflow, but they will also circulate that dust around your home if you let it build up.  Taking good care of your cooling appliances will reduce the risk of breakdowns right when you need them the most.

Home Cooling Tips for Summer - Clean Appliances Regularly

7.    Make the most of your backyard

Carefully selected and positioned plants can help in keeping your house cooler in the summer. Trees can provide shade against the harsh sun and can serve as a shield against the hot winds. You can also have creepers in your pergolas as additional protection or cover for your windows. Not only do plants beautify your home, they can also help keep it cool too.

8.    Change your sheets

Change your sheets into something that is made of 100% cotton, which is more breathable, and thus cooler to your skin.  Even selecting lighter colours for your sheets can make a small difference, rather than darker colours which tend to absorb heat more readily.

Keeping your home a little cooler during summer can simple be about changing a few things during the warmer months. If you are looking for some larger changes, or maybe upgrades to your existing cooling options, speak to one of the ceiling fan experts at Rovert Lighting & Electrical. We have all the biggest brands at the lowest prices to help you stay cooler for less this summer!

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